Bible Studies
Adult Bible Class & Sunday School
Mid-Week Bible Study
Sunday School
Sunday School kicks off with Rally Day in early September. Check our calendar for the exact date. If you are a member of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, would you like to be a teacher or helper this year? If so, please contact the church office.
Tracy Museus is once again the superintendent. She leads quarterly meetings that cover all the lessons. If you would like to be involved but not necessarily teach every week, there are other things you can help with. At times, substitute teachers are needed. In addition, members can help with Rally Day, the Christmas program and also seeing that letters and cards are sent out to families on a consistent basis.
Consider helping out with this important ministry, where children at a young age hear and learn Bible Stories, upon which their faith is founded. Thank you.
Christian Teachings Class
Register for our Christian Teachings Class!
Meets in the Church Library
The fall session usually starts in September/October.
The winter session may begin in late winter or early spring depending upon interest and availability.
What is the Christian Teachings Class?
Christian Teachings is a free 11-week course on basic Christian teachings provided by Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church as a service to our community.
Who will be teaching the class?
Rev. Scot Missling, Pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church will be teaching this class.
How do I register for the class?
There are two easy ways to register for Christian Teachings:
- Call the church phone number (651) 776-4737, and leave a message on the Church office voicemail.
- Email the pastor or church office and include “Christian Teachings” in the subject line.
When do we meet?
We meet in the Church Library at 6pm on Thursdays.
The fall session begins in September or October. The late winter session begins in late winter or early spring depending upon interest and availability.
What should I bring?
If you have your own Bible, you are welcome to bring it, but we will provide one for you. Also, please bring any questions you have about Christianity.
What are we going to learn?
Throughout all 11 weeks we will be taking time to focus on what Lutherans believe, teach, and confess. We will also focus on our worship life and denominational differences.
Week 1: Introduction and Listening to the Word of God
Week 2: The 10 Commandments
Week 3: The First Article of the Creed
Week 4: The Second Article of the Creed
Week 5: The Third Article of the Creed
Week 6: The Lord’s Prayer
Week 7: Holy Baptism
Week 8: Confession/Office of the Keys
Week 9: The Sacrament of the Altar
Week 10: Daily Prayers
Week 11: The Table of Duties
Tutoring & Mentoring
Bethlehem Lutheran Church has a new weekly tutoring program!
5:30 – 7:30pm
including dinner
The program helps students in the urban area around Bethlehem with homework and reading, writing, spelling and math. One-on-one tutoring with an adult mentor is the strength of this program. The student will progress at their own pace with guidance, encouragement, and learning support. A moment with God also includes music fun for all.
To register for the tutoring program, print the following form and turn in by mail or by hand to the church office:
Tutor Registration Form
Contact Linda Kunz 651-855-8877 for further information
If you know of a young family with children in your community who could be interested, please contact us.
Our summer schedule (June/July/August) meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday with a field trip once a month.