Bethlehem’s Calendar

Current Events

Christian Teachings Class

Register for our Christian Teachings Class!

Thursdays at 6pm
Meets in the Church Library

The fall session usually starts in September/October.
The winter session begins in late winter or early spring depending upon interest and availability.

There are two easy ways to register for Christian Teachings:

  1. Email the pastor or church office and include “Christian Teachings” in the subject line
  2. Call the church phone number (651) 776-4737, and leave a message on the Church office voicemail.
Tutoring & Mentoring

Sign up for our weekly tutoring program!

Tuesdays at 5:30 – 7:30pm
including dinner

To register for the tutoring program, print the following form and turn in by mail or by hand to the church office:
Tutor Registration Form